留学博士 | 更多 » |
哲学  |
Behavioral Economy  |
Biodiversity and Ecology of Plant and Fungi in a Changing World  |
Chemical Sciences  |
Chemical Technologies for the Synthesis of Nanostructured Films of Semiconductor and other Functional Materials  |
Complex Energy Systems  |
Computer and Information Sciences  |
Consumer Markets Development  |
Corporate Governance and Strategy  |
Development of Nonenzymatic Methods of Electrochemical Immunoassay and Determination of Diagnostically Significant Parameters  |
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience  |
Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems  |
Early Stages of Stellar Evolution and Masers  |
Economics, Mathematical and Instrumental Methods of Economics  |
Electricity, Investments, Risks, Forecasting, Strategy, Innovation, Renewable Energy, Fuel-Energy Complex, Bio-Energy, Power Generation, System Analysis, Energy Security, Regional Economy, B  |
Electrocrystallization of Metals in Compact and Dispersed Form  |
Electromechanical Motion Control System  |
Energy-Informational Models of Functioning and Development of Power Supply Systems for Megalopolises  |
English Literature, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies  |
Entrepreneurship  |
Finance, Money Circulation and Credit  |
Heterocyclic Chemistry  |
High Frequency Devices and Antennas  |
Highly Efficient Energy Conversion and Generation Technologies Based on Fossil Fuels  |
History and Culture of Germany, Habsburg Lands, History of European Universities and Schooling  |
History of Russia  |
History of Russian Emigration  |
Human Capital Research  |
Immunochemistry, Biochemistry and Immunobiotechnology  |
Improving the Energy Efficiency and Safety of Nuclear Power Plants  |
Institutional Economics  |
Institutional Transformations, Economic Systems, Pension Systems and Risks  |
Interaction in the Art of the East and the West  |
International Business, Sustainability and Strategic CSR  |
International Relations  |
Investigation of Antioxidant and Antiradical Activity  |
Knowledge Economics  |
Magnetic Structures and Magnetic Phase Transitions  |
Magnetism of Chiral Helimagnets  |
Magnetoacoustic and Low Temperature Ultrasonic Phenomena in Solids  |
Managed Dynamical Systems with Incomplete Information in Engineering and Economics  |
Mathematical and Instrumental Methods in Economics  |
Mathematical Modeling of Stochastic Systems  |
Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes  |
Mid-infrared Fiber-optical Materials and Devices  |
Modernization of Design and Operational Processes for Steam Turbines Equipment Based on Modern IT  |
Multi-Component Reactions at Interfaces: A Promising Technology for Organic Synthesis  |
Open City - from Theoretical Concepts to Innovative Design  |
Organic Chemistry  |
Parallel Algorithms for Solving the Geophysical Problems on Multiprocessor Computing Systems  |
Phase and Structural Transformations in Metal Alloys  |
Physical Chemistry  |
Physical Chemistry of Oxide Systems: Thermodynamics, Structure, Properties  |
Physics and Astronomy  |
Physics of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials  |
Political Philosophy  |
Production of New Materials for Electrochemical Power Engineering  |
Radiation Physics and Spectroscopy of Ion Beam Synthesized Materials and Nanocomposites for Optoelectronic Applications  |
Radio Systems of Microwave and MM-Wave Ranges  |
Regions and Cities: Adaptation and Development in New Economic Reality  |
Relationship Between Structure and Deformation Behavior of Natural Materials (Rocks, Hard Tissues)  |
Rhetorical Context of the Social Construction Process  |
Russia and Africa  |
Russian Poetic Avant-Garde of the Twentieth Century  |
Social and Economic History of Russia and the Urals  |
Socio-Cultural Factors of Adaptation of Migrants from other Countries  |
Solid State Chemistry, Physical Chemistry  |
Surface Chemistry of Hydrated Porous and Nanostructured Materials. Adsorption and Heterogeneous Catalysis Including Enzymatic Catalysis  |
Sustainable Development  |
Synthesis of New Mono-, Poly- and Macrocyclic Organic Photosensitive Materials (Organic Photonics)  |
System Analysis and Modeling  |
Systematics and Ecology of Lichenised Ascomycetes  |
Systems Analysis, Information Processing and Control in Economic, Social and Ecological Systems  |
Technological Transport System Based on Linear Electric Drive  |
Technology for Organic Synthesis  |
The Art of XX Century  |
The Complex of Technogenic Wastes Processing Technologies by Pyrometallurgical Method for Steel and Construction Industries Resource Base Expansion and Environment Stress Reduction  |
The Philosophy of Media, Media Culture and Media Art  |
Theory and Philosophy of Culture, Social Regulation, Social Mores, Subcultures  |
Thermophysics and Theoretical Thermotechnics  |
World History - the Eastern Mediterranean in the Middle Ages  |
建筑学  |
文化研究  |
经济学  |
Биологические науки  |
Информатика и вычислительная техника  |
Информационная безопасность  |
Искусствоведение  |
Исторические науки и археология  |
Компьютерные и информационные науки  |
Машиностроение  |
Образование и педагогические науки  |
Политические науки и регионоведение  |
Психологические науки  |
Социологические науки  |
Средства массовой информации и информационно-библиотечное дело  |
Техника и технологии строительства  |
Технологии материалов  |
Управление в технических системах  |
Физика и астрономия  |
Философия, этика и религиоведение  |
Химическая технология  |
Химические науки  |
Электро- и теплотехника  |
Ядерная, тепловая и возобновляемая энергетика и сопутствующие технологии  |
Языкознание и литературоведение  |